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Screens 101

Learn how to quickly and easily manage your digital signage screens with Fugo CMS.

Sarah avatar
Written by Sarah
Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents

When you’re dealing with remote workplaces or offices that have outgrown the garden shed, it might come in handy to have multiple TV screens on display so that you can keep everybody up to speed. On the flip-side, you might be using your digital signage to advertise or engage with your customers - for instance, showing menus or currently-running promotions.

Once you get more than one screen, though, it can become a handful to manage them all. That’s where Fugo comes in. Fugo is a solution that enables and empowers you to manage screen networks of all sizes - from single screens to hundreds, in the same location or spread across the globe. Best of all, Fugo makes it super easy, straightforward, and trouble-free.

Here are some of the handy things you can do with Fugo:

  • Create groups of screens, manage them independently of other screens.

  • Get live information about each of your screens, including tech specs, status, and current playlists.

  • Easily search, sort, and filter your screens to find the one you need fast.

  • Curate playlists of content, and send them to all screens, individual ones, or groups.

  • Visualize your screens on a map to get a clear overview of what you’re managing.

  • Remotely control your screens

Let’s Get Started

Pairing a Screen

First of all, you’ll want to pair some screens. Don’t fret - we’ve written a separate guide for that, and pairing a screen is easy. Once you’re done, come back here and we can move on to the Screens listing page!

How the Screens listing page works

The Screens listing page is where you can see all of the screens connected to your Fugo account. On this page, you’ll see each screen in your account listed as a Screen Tile.

Each Screen Tile lists the name of your screen, the status (active/inactive), any current playlists that are showing on the screen, and the location of your screen. You can also use the three-dot menu on the right of each tile to group your screens or to remove them from your account.

Because you might have a lot of screens, we’ve made it simple and easy to sort and filter your Screens listing page - you can sort your screens by “Date Created” or “Alphabetically” using the Sort by dropdown:

You can filter out certain screens by using the Show dropdown to show “All”, “Active” or “Inactive” screens:

Alongside these sort and filter options, you can Search for your screen using the Search screens box to enter the name.

We’ve also built in a Screens Map, which you can toggle on and off using the Show Map toggle on the right-hand side of the search and filter toolbar. This is handy if you’ve got multiple screens that are in nearby locations, and gives you a quick and easy way to see which screens are active, which are not, and manage them if needed.

How the individual Screen page works

Clicking on the name of a screen tile on the listing page will take you to the individual page for that screen. Here, over four tabs, you can get information about your screen and manage some of the functionality and content that is being displayed.

The Dashboard tab

Here you can get basic information about your screen such as the status, how many playlists are currently active on the screen, and the player platform that your screen is currently running on. You can also control the orientation of your screen (landscape/portrait), see a live preview of what’s displaying, restart your screen, monitor storage, CPU usage and memory, and see additional technical details at the bottom.

The Playlists tab

Next up, we have the Playlists tab. This displays all of the playlists that are currently running on this screen, and gives you the option to interleave them (mix and merge) if you need to with a simple toggle command. If there are no current playlists, you can jump straight into creating a new Playlist from this screen.

When there are visible playlists, you can remove them with a few clicks, or edit them to update the content that you want displayed.

The Activity tab

The third tab on the Screen page is the Activity tab. Here, you can get historical logs about the activity of this screen — handy if you’ve got multiple users in your Fugo account, and need to figure out anything that’s been going on with your screens.

The Settings tab

The final tab on the Screen page is the Settings tab. This tab allows you to edit and update a variety of settings, including the name and location of your screen, as well as the brightness, orientation, and video codecs (if supported by your player platform.)

On the right, you can interleave playlist content, choose to display media in its original format, enable Kiosk Mode (which is good to ensure that your screens only display the Fugo app), control whether Fugo boots on startup and alter the Date and Time settings.

Compatible Platforms

Fugo is compatible with a wide variety of Operating Systems and devices, including Android OS, Chrome OS, Amazon Firesticks, and Raspberry Pis. You can find the full list of our compatible platforms here, and if you need some pointers on getting anything connected, you can find the hardware section of our Help Center by clicking here.

All Done! Need anything else?

We hope this guide to screen management inside Fugo has helped answer any questions you might have had, but if you need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to drop an email through to our friendly support team at!

If you’re thinking about signing up with Fugo, you can get started with a free trial or book a demo to have one of our team show you around!

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